To prevent discomfort and indigestion after meals, add some lime juice and black pepper to a few pieces of ginger and chew on them after eating.
Baby Oil
Take some baby oil, heat it and as it warms pour into the ears with the help of a ear dropper and place a cotton ball to avoid draining the oil.
Steam Inhalation
Steam inhalation and the use of moisturizers help with various winter ailments that cause dryness and inflammation of the nasal passages and throat.
Milk and dairy products like cheese are rich in calcium, their high phosphorus levels reduce their effectiveness as calcium replacement sources.
Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure can be managed rather effectively with a suitable diet plan. A low blood pressure diet includes lots of fresh fruit and milk.
Fruit & Vegetables
Add just a fruit or vegetable serving daily. When you get comfortable with that, add an extra serving per day until you reach 8-10 servings per day.
Use Raspberries And Coconut Oil For Brighter Lips
In a small saucepan on low heat, warm 1 Tablespoon coconut oil until it liquefies. Remove from heat and add 4 fresh or frozen red raspberries. Mash berries and blend until smooth. Place in a small glass container and refrigerate until firm. Use clean fingers or a lip gloss brush to smooth over lips. Make this fresh every few days.
Eliminate Tired Puffy Eyes With Chilled Tea Bags
Briefly steep 2 green, black, or chamomile tea bags in hot water for less than a minute. Then remove the tea bags from the water and chill in a small bowl in the refrigerator. Once chilled, place 1 bag over each closed eyelid. Leave on your lids for 5 to 15 minutes.
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