When most people think of love poems, they think of serious and soulful expressions of passion. Long sonnets by Shakespeare or romantic poems by Browning and Lord Byron are the norm for love poetry. However, funny love poems can be good for a laugh. They may not be romantic, but they do give your friends something to enjoy. Here are 5 funny limericks from anonymous authors.
What cripples your relationships #2
Are you really listening? Do you really listen to people? Be honest. When you talk to somebody, people usually interrupt. They say stuff or try to cover stuff that they want to cover. Then they let the other person talk and butt in to cover the stuff that they want to make. They never really absorb what the other person is saying. They never take the opportunity to learn. Instead of talking and...
What Cripples Your Relationships? #1
What is the number one sin that you could commit that will torpedo your relationships? What kind of action is guaranteed to throw your relationship with other people for a loop? This applies to all types of relationship. It may be a business relationship, an intimate relationship, or your relationship with your family members and close friends. It is guaranteed to cripple your relationship if you...
Be accountable
If you visited your spouse, call as soon as you get home to let her or him know you got home safe.No exceptions.
Spend time for each other
Go on a long drive with your love to a favorite place of your choice.Spend time just for each other.
Feeling a wee bit jealous can encourage couples to appreciate one another and make an effort to ensure the other person feels valued.
Refresh yourself
Taking care of your body and mind will flow over into your relationship and make you a calmer, stronger, and better-balanced person.
Time to cuddle
Take some time just to cuddle. This makes both people feel secure and loved. Cuddling also helps in regenerating the lost love!
Take note
Take notice of how your relationship is going. Open your eyes and take stock of what is and is not working in your relationship.
New Tradition
Start a new tradition of hosting a dinner party every other month and inviting several of you and your spouse friends. This is a wonderful way to interact.
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