Be positive and respond in a way that will confirm that you are listening and truly interested. This form of communication is very important.
Turmeric for ringworm
Turmeric is very useful in the treatment of ringworm. The juice of turmeric must be applied externally to the parts of the skin affected by ringworm.
Take extra effort
In case of long distance relationships, it is very important that you keep in touch with each other. Even if it means extra effort, do it.
Be generous
Be generous with compliments. Make sure your compliments are genuine and based on something you see or hear your mate do.
Medicine for kidney stones
The seeds of both sour and sweet pomegranates are useful medicine for kidney stones. 2 tbsp of horse gram should be used for preparing a cup of soup.
The patient suffering from tuberculosis must avoid all devitalizing foods such as bread, sugar, puddings and pies; tinned, canned, and preserved foods.
Bond with the in-laws
In a relationship, your partners family is equally important. Work towards building a strong and healthy bond with them, filled with respect!
Stop the excuse
A major turn-off in a relationship, is people who have an excuse for everything. Forget that. Do not make excuses in fear!
Diet for Backache
The diet of those suffering from backache must consist of a salad of raw vegetables with two steamed vegetables and plenty of fruits, except bananas.
The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric helps in easing the symptoms of cold. It is best to have a hot glass of turmeric and ginger mixed in milk.
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