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If you know you will never forgive your partner over something important and feel the trust can never be regained then give yourself and him a break and start again.
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If you know you will never forgive your partner over something important and feel the trust can never be regained then give yourself and him a break and start again.
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Instead of using painkillers, swimmers ear treatment can be done by applying a heating wrap or a wrapped hot water bottle over the infected ear.
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If you are in a long distance relationship,then there will be stress from the separation but by keeping in touch; you’ll not have any break in your communication.
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For a mouthful of freshness, don’t forget to clean your tongue, the unsightly white coating prevents the tongue from catching the bacteria in mouth.
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Intake of iron, calcium and vitamins are very essential for a woman. Try eating a lot of berries they are rich in vitamin C, fiber and folate.
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If you think that the person is best for u,then proceed for the relationship. Allow yourself to get his/her love. Try to do little sacrifices for the person.
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Custard Apple or Seethaphal is low in calories and has minerals like iron, phosphorous, calcium and riboflavin.This fruit promotes digestion.
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A paste prepared from water and boiled figs should be applied externally on the throat area to give a cooling and soothing effect on tonsillitis.
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Try and avoid any known food allergens, polluted and dust areas. Strong smells like perfumes and smoke can also aggravate the symptoms of sinus.
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Use asafetida in lemon Juice and heat it. A cotton swab should be soaked in this lotion and placed in the cavity of the tooth to cure toothache.
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