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Get your daily calcium by popping a tab, chugging milk or eating yoghurt. Itll keep your bones strong. You need at least 200 milligrams daily.
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Get your daily calcium by popping a tab, chugging milk or eating yoghurt. Itll keep your bones strong. You need at least 200 milligrams daily.
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If something has happened in your relationship causing the trust to waiver, do forgive and put the past behind and move on in a new and healthy relationship.
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Fruits such as apples, papayas and pomegranates, dried fruits, soups and stews are considered to be warm foods. These help to avoid cold and flu.
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If you are away from your love, send old-fashioned letters through the mail. Everyone loves to see personal mail in the mailbox instead of finding bills there.
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Dry and irritated eyes due to allergies can be treated using a saline solution. Make one by adding a teaspoon of table salt to distilled water.
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If u really want to make your beloved happy then you don’t need to buy expensive gifts, just call them from work to say that you wanted to hear their voice.
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You can make anti-fungal exfoliating scrub by mixing coarsely ground rice flour with apple cider vinegar. Apply this paste over the affected nail!
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Know that both love and struggle are not the destination, but are stages on the road to real love. Frustration and conflict are keys for healing for both of you!
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To prevent discomfort and indigestion after meals, add some lime juice and black pepper to a few pieces of ginger and chew on them after eating.
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One habit all happy couples share: Doing fun things together. Competitive games (pool, Trivial Pursuit) have a strong effect because they help you bond.
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