Take some baby oil, heat it and as it warms pour into the ears with the help of a ear dropper and place a cotton ball to avoid draining the oil.
Memory Box
Start a memory box to store old tickets, passes etc. Every once in awhile, pull the box out and relive all the special times that are close to ur heart!
Steam Inhalation
Steam inhalation and the use of moisturizers help with various winter ailments that cause dryness and inflammation of the nasal passages and throat.
Long Distance
When a long distance relationship is beginning to form, it is important for both members to determine what they want to do for the short and long terms.
Milk and dairy products like cheese are rich in calcium, their high phosphorus levels reduce their effectiveness as calcium replacement sources.
Always celebrate your love together. Good adjustment and understanding make a love life happy. Always innovate new romantic ideas in your relationship.
Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure can be managed rather effectively with a suitable diet plan. A low blood pressure diet includes lots of fresh fruit and milk.
If you’re a novice, go slow in the beginning. Don’t bring out everything thats in ur mind. Neither men nor women would like such an aggressive overture.
No Blame Game
Every morning make a commitment to eliminate blame and criticism from your side of the relationship. If it leaks out, acknowledge it and apologize to your partner.
Fruit & Vegetables
Add just a fruit or vegetable serving daily. When you get comfortable with that, add an extra serving per day until you reach 8-10 servings per day.
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