Eat potatoes and grain products. The starch through digestion,is converted into sugar, which supplies energy to keep you up for the whole day.
Share activities
One good way to spend more time together is by finding activities which you both can enjoy. Find hobbies and sports which you both can play and enjoy.
Moderate eating
Eat everything in moderation. Most foods have a positive effect on your brain and will help in balance your regular emotions and activities.
Change that habit
If your ladylove nags you on some one or two particular issues that bother her, then get rid of those irritating and unpleasant habits and see the difference.
Cure mouth ulcer
Daily intake of banana with curd in the morning cures mouth ulcers. Alternatively, mix a pinch of turmeric powder to 1 tea spoon glycerin and apply.
Consumption of celery has been found to be linked with lowering of blood pressure, so its good for persons suffering from the hypertension.
Create new attraction with words
Be sure of what you are going to say, say something new to your partner, use good language, a witty conversation or a naughty joke can attract your partner towards you.
Jogging and Walking
Both jogging and walking are GREAT ways to get fit. They tone the muscles, relieve stress, create a healthier heart and improve lung capability.
Eat right
Big meals can keep you awake at night while your tummy churns away d overload. Eat a bigger breakfast and lunch instead, then have a small dinner.
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